Featured Physicians

image of Akmet

Dr. Alexander Kmet

How long have you worked in the Yukon?

What Yukon communities have you worked in?

What drew you to practice medicine in the Yukon?

What do you love most about working here?

How do you like to unwind after a long shift?

What is your favourite restaurant in YT?

What is your favourite trail, view point or camping spot in YT? (Mountain biking trail, hiking trail, skiing trail etc.)

Share a recent article/book you read that others should too.

What's the next place on your travel bucket list?

"We met in Niagara at the SRPC Rural and Remote Conference. It always excites me when I get these locum opportunity reminders from the Yukon. Can't wait [to come up]" – Dr. Chem

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By phone

(226) 402-3555

YukonDocs is a part of the Yukon Medical Association (YMA) and was created in December 2021 to combat the Physician and Locum recruitment challenges the Yukon Territory is facing. YukonDocs role is to market both short-term and permanent opportunities across the Yukon to prospective Family Physicians and Specialties.