
Emerald Lake Yukon

Clinic Only

Job description:

  • 2-3 days/week of clinic
  • The number of patients seen per day (or half day) is variable, but for overhead support reasons, we see scheduled 8 pts + 2 same day appointment pts per half day. You can see more but that’s the minimum.There is the opportunitiy within the clinic to cover more than one physician to fill your week schedule
  • Appts all pre-booked
  • MOA, shared nurse and support staff provided throughout coverage.
  • Approximately 25% of the Yukon’s population are indigenous peoples


Apply now

Job payment model

Fee for Service

Eligible for locum support


The collegiality and teamwork of all the physicians that work at Parhelion help build lifelong relationships and allow us to help our patients in the best way possible. – Dr. Navi Rhattan

Contact us

By email

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By phone

(226) 402-3555

YukonDocs is a part of the Yukon Medical Association (YMA) and was created in December 2021 to combat the Physician and Locum recruitment challenges the Yukon Territory is facing. YukonDocs role is to market both short-term and permanent opportunities across the Yukon to prospective Family Physicians and Specialties.