"We met in Niagara at the SRPC Rural and Remote Conference. It always excites me when I get these locum opportunity reminders from the Yukon. Can't wait [to come up]"– Dr. Chem
Watson Lake Community Hospital is a 6 bed hospital with a 24 hour ER as well as lab and xray services. Our clinic, Parhelion Medical Clinic, is conveniently located within the hospital and makes for an easy commute between clinic and hospital duties.
Docs will work in the clinic M-F, except when they are on call for the hospital. Call shifts are for 24 hours and are typically 1 in 4, occasionally 1 in 3.
Inpatients are cared for by the admitting doctor on call. Clinic is booked 9-5 with mostly 30 minute appointments.
We area collegial group of physicians who rely on each others support and experience during critical scenarios and its often a team approach during these times. With that said, ACLS, PALS, ATLS and other critical care experiences and training are highly recommended.
Our pharmacy is operated as part of Parhelion Medical Clinic and there is no pharmacist on site, so doctors are expected to obtain a rural pharmacist permit and also carry out that role while in clinic/on call.
Fee for Service + Contract + Stipend
"We met in Niagara at the SRPC Rural and Remote Conference. It always excites me when I get these locum opportunity reminders from the Yukon. Can't wait [to come up]"– Dr. Chem
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(226) 402-3555
YukonDocs is a part of the Yukon Medical Association (YMA) and was created in December 2021 to combat the Physician and Locum recruitment challenges the Yukon Territory is facing. YukonDocs role is to market both short-term and permanent opportunities across the Yukon to prospective Family Physicians and Specialties.